Getting a record deal is like going to the bank to get a bank loan, only difference is with the loan you know what you getting and how much you paying back. With a record deal you know nothing.
The label gives you a house, car, pay for studio, promote ya invest in getting the best for you, and record every damn expenses they incure, at the end of the day, you might sale 1,000,000 cds and still be broke…. You doubt?
Well i know a couple of artists who started music over 10years ago and are still in same spot where they are till date, why you may ask? They are waiting for something they will never ever ever get, a RECORD DEAL and even when they do, cos they consider themselves veterans and all they refuse to be governed.
Technology has bridged the gap and is constantly making the labels irrelevant, for instance an artist can record his songs and monetize it himself on itunes, mtnpulse, reverbnation and other places where he can get cash for his content, he can stick to shooting low budget videos, device campaigns that will grow his youtube viewership, promote on local stations around his neighbourhood, push for a word of mouth publicity e.t.c or even go the master P route and sale his stuff on the streets.. You think its impossible? Go to Alaba and ask them how much cds these igbo gospel musicians sale with little or no media mention and hype.
Some people will say its impossible, it cant be done, But lemme give you am instance, in 2007 Derek Dekumzy came to Awka with then unknown Desperate Chicks the event didnt have more than 60 people But something revolutionary started, because the material was sooooo good, they practically sold over 200cds that night, i for one bought 2 Kanni ItsKandysugabeat Temiyato Bello was there that night… And in a matter of days Desperate Chicks became a sensation and every hostel, every room was playing their stuff from Awka – Kano sadly the group didn’t last..But another Star was born Yvonne A Michael A.K.A Stormrex. You can’t be the king of the street if you ain’t raking in cash from there legitimately.
Do the sum, you will make more money selling 10,000 cds than you will ever make selling a million cds with the label cos all the cash na recoup-able. When your buzz is high up there from the streets and the labels come, its gonna be on your own terms and not theirs.
Being an artist is a great work But its not cheap, you need to get other means of getting cash to put into it, until it pays off, like Moti Cakes said to me once only 1% of people make it.
Do something for yourself do not just sit and keep waiting for the might never get A deal.
In this time and age being independent pays a whole lot more, if you can push yourself do it.
Again i might be wrong But its what i feel, afterall i nor sabi anything.